“Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20

We believe that we have been called to use the gifts God has given us to reach unbelievers for Him and to encourage, and build up His Church.


"The message was life changing." - adult audience member

My girls LOVED what you did. They have brought it up several times over the last 2 days!! "  -Teen Challenge Director

"You totally slayed chapel...AGAIN."  -High School Student




A show designed for the entire congregation.  Adults, teens and even kids will be challenged with the Scripture-based routines.


From jail and prison chapels around New England, to store front missions in Kentucky; summer camps in Canada to the indigenous community that lives in the Quito, Ecuador city dump;  an orphanage in Juarez, Mexico to pastors’ conferences in South Carolina;  the Crow reservation in Montana to the streets of Santo Domingo, DR; the slums and jungle villages of Uganda, and a youth group meeting in a holding pen of a slaughterhouse in Paraguay, to performing in a women's prison high in the Andes Mountains, the Supreme Court Jesters have been bringing their creative Gospel program everywhere the Lord has opened doors for over 35 years.



Take a Supreme Court Jesters trivia quiz here:

(On the question about the Soweto Gospel Choir, the song is Zanele, not Zambala.)


Visit my youtube channel here: 


And my class's (LOL) at:


Books By Rick Hagerstrom

My newest book of blogs, "My Best Days", is now available here:

https://www.lulu.com/search . . .                                                                                                                                                                                    Also available on lulu.com, my students have published this book below. https://www.lulu.com/account/projects/zm82w2v


My Best Days             The LOL Guide to Juggling 


Or my first two books at:










Upcoming Appearances of The Supreme Court Jesters
10/16/2024 2:00 PM Elementary chapel
10/20/2024 6:00 PM West Baldwin Baptist
10/21/2024 8:15 AM MS / HS chapel
10/23/2024 2:00 PM Elementary chapel
10/24/2024 10:00 AM LOL @ Barron Center

Recent Blog Posts
Friday Night Lights, Western Maine Style
10/12/2024 5:21 PM | scj
Not Gonna Bow
10/7/2024 7:11 PM | scj
What's Happening?
9/30/2024 1:00 AM | scj
West Paris Baptist Church
8/15/2024 1:15 PM | scj
National Night Out
8/15/2024 12:52 PM | scj

"What a great ministry you have.  ALL positive  feedback from everybody... you are so gifted at weaving the Gospel message all through what you do.  We'll be talking you up to as many pastors as possible." - local pastor

"Your talents seem to be never ending!" -local Baptist Church leadership

"They were so entertaining and so very kind.  Great folks." - Letter to the editor, Bridgton News

"I know the conditions were not great (snow and windy) but you would never know that by your performance. You are the best." - Exec. Dir., Carroll County, NH ASPCA

"It was WONDERFUL to have you back at CVCS again last week! You all were such a blessing to us!" - High School principal

"It is wonderful to have a fresh approach to faith that can touch them in new ways. And they certainly grasped that faith does not have to be stuffy or boring." - Chaplain, Maine State Prison

"Thank you so much for including us on your performance trip again this year. Your ministry is so unique and such a blessing and a joy to our students (and staff J)." -The Fold Family Ministries, Lyndonville, Vt

"I was so really impressed with your show. I thought God was impressed, too." - prison inmate

"Your closing remarks on God's grace were especially moving. Some were even crying. As you know, this is a population that feels pretty beat up and / or abandoned.  Your coming (to the prison) countered these messages." - prison chaplain

"Thank you for coming to the prison yesterday.  The women really appreciated your coming and being with them . I was impressed with how engaged with you and attentive with you they were. Everyone on the unit participated and were engaged along the way. It was a treat they don't often get." - prison chaplain

Today's Verse