“Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20

We believe that we have been called to use the gifts God has given us to reach unbelievers for Him and to encourage, and build up His Church.

Unsolicited Comments About Our Ministry

The following are a few of the many unsolicited comments that we have received over the years following presentations of our ministry program at various churches and other organizations :


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"Wow! that was no ordinary church service... we were blown away by your creative and thought provoking presentation of the Gospel message through juggling, illusions and skits. We were simply amazed." -adult audience members, April, 2016

"Great job last night, thank you. Had so many good reviews on your performance; awesome presentation of the Gospel." -director of inner city coffee house, Portland, ME

"I also want to thank you again for your wonderful performance both in message and entertainment.  I got good feedback from the audience and I know seeds of truth were planted."  -CMA pastor

There were at least two adults present who are new to the Gospel as well as some children who have heard very little of God's message... We love what your family does and how God uses it.  - Mr. & Mrs.D & R S

"I just received a letter to send out to a pen pal from one of our lifers.  She spent 2 pages of a total of 8 talking about what a gift your time with them was – that you care enough to come.  Cotton (Our rabbit) was a hit.  She also like your integration of fun and faith and she validated that working the pods is the place you can really have an impact. - Chaplain, Maine State Prison

"Thank you for sharing your talent and lives with us.  The staff and students were blessed by your journey of faith."  -Director, Fold Family ministries

"I want to encourage you like you've never been encouraged before.  If only I had all the right words to say to let you know what you and your ministry mean to us!  God used you in such a mighty, mighty way at the FCCM convention... We were so heavy laden with wondering if we missed God somewhere.  And then, praise God, came your showcase.  What a total blessing!  God had heard our cries and sent encouragement to us through you." -Tina Hillstrom, musician

"We were thrilled at how the Gospel was clearly woven throughout it." -inner city missionaries, Portland, ME

"I'm always thankful for you showing by example that you can be both humble and incredibly bada$$."  -young adult fan

I am writing to thank you once again for your ministries with us a few weeks ago.  Pastors and churches are still talking about you and some ask when you will be coming back.  Erwin from Ciudad del Este said the children were deflated for the next few weeks when they came to events and did not find you there.  More than your ministry being unique and appealing to children, youth and adults, it truly points people to the Lord in a way that when they think of your illusions, they recall the truth as well.  The Lord has given you a wonderful window through which to present the Gospel!   - Field Director of Alliance Missions to Paraguay

We always find your performances to be exciting and filled with the message of salvation. - AWANA leader

"Once again, thanks so much for your help today at our outreach - you did great and I know it added to make this a great day all around!"    -Assembly of God Pastor

"Hi Richard,   We really enjoyed having you at Togus this past Sunday.  I only regret that more veterans were not in attendance.  (However, several veterans have told me that they watched the service via television in their rooms and regretted that they were not in chapel to see you in person!)  We look forward to you visiting us again next year."  -VA Hospital Chaplain, Augusta, ME

"Your show is wonderful to watch and be part of whether you are a child or a grown up."  -ABBA Walk-a-thon organizerr

"Thank you for coming and sharing at our church and for encouraging us all in our walk with the Lord as individuals and as families.  We have always been a mission’s oriented church and it does our hearts good to hear all that you are doing for the Kingdom’s sake."   -Pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship, Gorham, ME

"I was very impressed with the LOL team.  All our students - elementary through high school - enjoyed it and wished they'd had more time with them."  -Head Master of Bangor Christian School

"The performance at the Alliance Church was really good!   All the kids did a stupendous job!"   -A. K., Gray, ME

"chapel today was a blast. really hit me.."  High School Student's Facebook status

"These tidings are a long overdue thank you for time and talent employed to entertain and enrich our neighbors.  They love how magic brings them a sense of awe and wonder,and we are grateful you gave those gifts to our frineds."  -inner city missionaries

"On behalf of all the women who attended yesterday's program, thank you.  Our time with you was both refreshing and supportive of faith.  your closing remarks on God's grace were especially moving.  Some were even crying.  As you know, this is a population that feels pretty beat up and / or abandoned.  Your coming (to the prison) countered these messages."  -Chaplain, Maine State Prison

"We are so grateful that you brought your amazing ministry back to our church this year... The Gospel message you bring applies to all!  It is such a positive, valuable work that you do."  -Coordinator of Christian Ed. UCC Church

"hey, I just wanted to say that was a great message in chapel today! It touched something:) thanks for doing it!"  -High School Student

"The congregation really enjoyed the special blessing your ministry brought to them that day at worship."  -UCC Pastor

"I was very impressed with your performance, but even more with your spirit."  -festival organizer

"Your gifts of magical feats, humor and your beautiful, powerful message of  faith are special to us."  -Activites Coordinator, Nursing Home

"I was so really impressed with your show.  I thought God was impressed, too."  -prison inmate

"I am writing in order to thank you for the wonderful Christian presentation that you gave last Sunday in our chapel at the Maine state Correctional Center.  This was a very meaningful experience...the Gospel message was very clear and challenging."  -Prison Chaplain

"Thank you for reminding us of biblical truths in a fun way." -missionary teacher, Quito, Ecuador

"It was wonderful to have you this past Saturday morning... I am more and more impressed with your message.  Your juggling and the work you do with illusions has always been awesome, but I am also more and more impressed with your preaching ability."  -Youth Corrections Chaplain

 "What a wonderful ministry to both children and adults.  In past years it has been a struggle to arrange programing that would hold the attention of all ages, but also challenge each heart with God's gift of Salvation.  Thank you for sharing your ministry."  -Sunday School Sup't

"You have done a wonderful job, and the Lord has blessed you both with so much, and it's a pleasure to have you share the Lord... Through you, you'll reach out and touch other folks, both older and younger, and maybe open eyes to Christ's love."  -M.B.

"You do a great job reaching people most of us wouldn't take the time to talk with."  -P.B.,

"You guys were great, and we really appreciate your sacrifice in coming over (to Vermont) and putting on the show.  We had a lot of great feedback."  -Director of a home for troubled teens

"God is using you to grow His kingdom." -Sunday School Sup't

"Who says you can't be entertained and edified at the same time.  I had a wonderful time watching you."  -Rey Sanchez, Christian musician

"Rick's act was great. Thank you SO MUCH for caring about pre-born babies, and for participating in the auction every year."  -President of Pro Life Ministry, Conway, NH

"You convey the Gospel in an entertaining, yet stimulating way."  -Methodist Minister, SC 

"We just wanted to say 'thank you' for another outstanding performance by (LOL).  They were terrific.  Please keep us in mind for next spring."  Nursing Home Activities Dir., Burlington, VT

"Please let this letter serve as a mighty thank you for helping with the awesome presentation of juggling, balancing, and your unique method of weaving the Gospel all through your program."  -Christian Conf. Center Director

Please accept my personal gratitude to you, especially interpreting the Scripture in such a unique way.  You touched the lives of many in a very unique way."  -Salvation Army Adult Ministry Coordinator

"The fact that you travel many miles for a benefit performance speaks for itself.  I admire the genuine love you exhibit for what you do and feel I speak for our staff and the audience when I say that your talent and kindness will stay with us long after the show.  I must say that I was not only impressed by the message your acts held but also touched by the personal remarks you had for both the staff and students."  -teacher, Portland, ME.

"Your juggling and magic act is always a favorite, and you really pack them in." -PTA President

"We did notice a real change in one inmate. I would like to attribute the change of attitude to your healing presence." -jail chaplain

"There's no questioning it. This is powerful stuff. It's extremely touching at times, never less than entertaining, and I see a lot of sincere love for Jesus in you guys. I got very challenged by your final comments. Thank you for being real with us and unafraid to offend us with the reproach of the real cross." -Dwight Liles, Nashville songwriter

You were such a blessing, and God knew our need for you this camp year." -camp director, Rhode Island

"I admire the genuine love you exhibit by what you do." -teacher

"Not only did you entertain, but gave witness for what Christ can do in an individual life if they will but allow Him to come in." -director of alcohol and drug rehab., Portland, ME

I also would like you to know that it was my prayer the night before (the prison Christmas party for incarcerated parents and their children) that my children would be ministered to. And I believe God did it through you." -prison inmate

The church was alive with oohs and aahs for over an hour as these talented people performed their magic. This was truly a delightful morning for all attending." -Biddeford, ME. Journal, Religion page

"They deliver breathtaking juggling and magic tricks that also tell the value of human life." -"Church World" 5/26/2005

"Your ability to weave juggling, illusion and humor into a Christian message is truly remarkable.  It is not an easy crowd to say the least and you were able to hold their attention for the duration of the service." -jail chaplain

"Your presentation is so unique that it truly "stays with" the congregation for many days after the message is delivered."  - Episcopal Priest

Thank you so much for including us on your performance trip again this year. Your ministry is so unique and such a blessing and a joy to our students (and staff J). -The Fold Family Ministries, Lyndonville, VT.

"I was so really impressed with your show.  I thought God was impressed, too."    -prison inmate

The church was alive with oohs and aahs for over an hour as these talented people performed their magic. This was truly a delightful morning for all attending." -Biddeford, ME. Journal, Religion page

"They deliver breathtaking juggling and magic tricks that also tell the value of human life." -"Church World" 5/26/2005

"I felt, and several youth have indicated to me, they really felt God's Spirit as you conveyed the Gospel message in your unique and entertaining way."  -UCC Pastor

"What a wonderful ministry to both children and adults.  In past years it has been a struggle to arrange programing that would hold the attention of all ages, but also challenge each heart with God's gift of Salvation.  Thank you for sharing your ministry."  -Sunday School Sup't