For the last generation, many Christians have been convinced that all social problems can be traced back to the removal of prayer and scripture in our public schools. Honestly, I don't remember collective prayer in the schools I grew up in, so I don't have any real frame of reference, but I do know that believers of ALL faiths have more rights than we may be aware. I remember in my high school, they offered a course called "Biblical and Classical Lit." I never took it, but I remember classmates discussing the course vigorously over lunch in the cafeteria. I remember Baccalaureate when I graduated, and, in fact, one of my best memories as a performer / speaker was a few years ago when I was asked to be the Baccalaureate speaker in our local Maine high school. The auditorium was packed.
I say all that to say that Rose and I did our Gospel kids' show at a local elementary school yesterday. It's called a Good News Club, and there are several in area schools. Yesterday's show was hosted in an elementary classroom, and the office seemed sincerely pleased to welcome us when we arrived. As we set up in the hallway outside the room the kids meet in, teachers stopped by to admire our dove and talk to us about our tricks. Simply put, we were made to feel very much at home.
There were eight kids, four adults and two high school volunteers at the Good News Club. We did a 45 minute show focusing, of course, on Easter. Rose and I did our partner routine, Rose performed clubs for the first time, and I dug an old routine out of the trunk. It was my old balance board routine including my finale of spinning a lasso in one hand, juggling two balls in my other, spinning a plate on a mouth stick all while standing on the balance board. It was nice to do that one again.
The small audience was appreciative, they were generous with their donation, and hopefully, in some small way, we helped out this very valuable ministry