Today the school where I work hosted an event called "Right Here, Right Now". This day of workshops focusing on a biblical response to life controlling behaviors was organized by two students in the school, and I was privileged to be the faculty advisor. Workshops were for people who had young people in their lives dealing with such issues as self injury, eating disorders, depression and crisis pregnancy among many. I'm proud to say that one of the student organizers was our Naomi. After the event, she posted on facebook, "My day was perfect." What could possibly bless a father's heart more than reading that!
The event brought about 65 people to WCA, which is a small group, but encouraging for a first year. Better still, it brought together several special people in our lives. Chaplain James from Riverview Hospital and his wife, Dr. Valerie Clemons; Dr. Alan Bean, from our home church in Bridgton; Donnie Brown from Manchester, NH and a favorite speaker of our whole family; Re Weller and Christina Erde, who we've known since they were in elementary school; Sue Thomas, of Sue Thomas FBEye fame as well as representatives from Teen Challenge, Hope House and the Fold. Like I tell my students, "I may be a nerd, but I've got the coolest friends!"
The event was unique in several ways. It was free, due to the generosity of three local businesses who met the expenses literally to the penny. Also, there were several opportunities for people to interact directly with the presenters in private, personal settings. Furthermore, the presenters were very diverse. Some were local people sharing their testimonies of victory over crisises, some were full time ministers, some medical doctors, some geared specifically to teen audiences, some toward professionals.
I was able to slip away for a few minutes to pray in the chapel and thank God for putting this all together. I have never done anything like this before, and I'm glad God gave the students this vision, and providing every need along the way.