“Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20

We believe that we have been called to use the gifts God has given us to reach unbelievers for Him and to encourage, and build up His Church.

Somerset County Jail

It is rare that, when booking a show in a jail or prison, the facility contacts me.  Usually (although not every time) I am the one who has to call of e-mail them. Apparently, a guest Gospel juggler is not the highest priority in our correctional faciities.  Who knew.  But it was the Somerset County Jail's new program director who called me to come up to Madison, Maine last week.  I'm so glad he did.

As usual, I went up to Madison expecting to do two or three shows, and this time it was two.  First was a group of men, the second show was for the women.  The first gig was so early, the inmates hadn't even had their morning coffee yet.  They were a great audience in spite of this; I joked that I don't even like looking at myself before I have my coffee, so I appreiated how well they attended to my show that morning.  I closed the show with "the Thief on the Cross" story/illusion.  This was a very powerful message of grace and forgiveness, and the men listened and were clearly moved.

I always especially love performing for the women in prison.  So many of them are there because of deep hurts from men in their lives. I closed this show with another story/iluusion about the woman who crashed a Pharisee's dinner party and washed Jesus' feet with her tears. Again, a very appropriate message of grace, and  the women clung to every word.

The rest of my routines were what I normally perform.  Being in November, I made sure to include "O Come All Ye Faithul" in both.  Dove and rabbit productions are a give, and of course there were the obligatory jokes from the guys that the rabbit's name should be "Stew".  

It was what happened between show, though, that made this outing memorable.  I spoke privately with a male inmate in the jail's beautiful chapel.  This is the only county jail  I can remember that has a room just fo chapel services.  Although a cement block room, the walls are painted to look like there are stained glass windows. The art work was done, I'm told, by inmates. It was in this sacred space that the gentleman told me how, a couple years back, he contracted covid-19.  To protect the rest of the population, he was put in isolation in the chapel for a week or more.  It was during this time of isolation that he encountered Jesus in a life changing way.   We discussed Scripture as well as talked about family; He is clearly born again by the Spirit of God.  He told me that his "old lady" was now clean and sober, having overdosed on meth a year or so back.  He is waiting hopefully for her, too, to meet and surrender to Jesus.  Please pray for this couple.  Thank you.

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A Few Testimonies

The presentation was fun and encouraging... The gospel message was clear and encouraging. I purchased your book and just finished it. Your scope is broad and again encouraging. May God continue to bless your ministry. I will encourage others to read your book. -Parishioner of a local church

"Hey, I  wanted to say that was a great message in chapel today! It touched something:) thanks for doing it!" -High School Student  

"We are so grateful that you brought your amazing ministry back to our church this year... The Gospel message you bring applies to all!  It is such a positive, valuable work that you do."  -Coordinator of Christian Ed. UCC Church

"There's no questioning it. This is powerful stuff. It's extremely touching at times, never less than entertaining, and I see a lot of sincere love for Jesus in you guys."  -Dwight Lilies, song writer

The Lord has given you a wonderful window through which to present the Gospel!   - Field Director of Alliance Missions to Paraguay

"What a wonderful ministry to both children and adults.  In past years it has been a struggle to arrange programing that would hold the attention of all ages, but also challenge each heart with God's gift of Salvation.  Thank you for sharing your ministry."  -Sunday School Sup't.

"Chapel was fire today!"  -High School Student

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