Am I a zeru-zeru?
A white boy on the dark continent?
An accident?
A mistake?
A demon?
A freak?
A zombie?
A ghost?
NO! I am just a boy who wants to:
have friends and fun
and run;
but the sun
will sentence me to an early grave;
burning sores into my skin:
swollen, scorched,, scarred, scabbed.
My only color comes from the cancerous blotches of burned skin.
But I'm just a boy who wants to:
Love freely and live freely
and give freely.
But not give away my hair
or limbs
or bones
for someone else's talismans.
I'm just a boy who wants to:
play with friends and pray with friends,
and walk with friends and talk with friends
and sleep peacefully,
and live thoughtfully,
and love unconditionally,
and waste afternoons lazily
in the sunshine
safe and unafraid,
and to know joy,
And to be
just another boy.